Dear Patients,
As of May 26th, The Ministry of Health has amended Directive #2 to allow chiropractors to gradually restart practice. The clinic, as well as our policies and procedures will look a little different, but the quality of care will be the same!
Many new policies, protocols and screening will be implemented to ensure the safety of our staff and patients. Please read the "Patient Guidelines" below for more information and direction on appointment procedures.
Patient Guidelines
To ensure the safety of our staff and patients, please read through the new policies and procedures below:
Before you arrive:
You will be sent an email from JANE with our "Mandatory Covid-19 Screening" questions 2 hours prior to your treatment that you will be required to fill out before arriving to the clinic. Also, make sure we have your cellphone number on file to call you for screening if necessary.
Please wear a mask (cloth or medical) to your appointment & follow proper hand hygiene
Limit the number of items brought into the clinic to bare minimums
If you have someone accompanying you, we ask that they stay in their car or wait outside of the clinic; unless medically necessary of course.
Use the washroom before coming to your appointment, as we ask patients not to use our public restrooms
When you arrive:
Patients are to wait outside of the clinic and will be allowed access only during their scheduled appointment times. Please arrive on time.
Patients will be screened with the COVID-19 screening questions again upon arrival at the clinic before they can be treated
Patients will be required to use hand sanitizer on all areas of hands and wrists before going to the treatment area.
Patients should not touch their faces during their appointments.
If patients need to cough or sneeze at any point, they are to advise the practitioner as soon as possible and direct it into a tissue or their sleeve at the elbow. They will then be required to sanitize again.
When you leave:
We will book your next appointment, if necessary
We prefer debit and credit transactions using the tap option, and will be issuing email receipts for minimal contact
Refrain from removing your mask until you have left the clinic
Continue to monitor yourself and family for any symptoms of Covid-19 and maintain physical distancing
As always, please be in touch if you have any questions about appointments or your care.
Lots of changes, but it feels great to be back!
Dr. Sarah Tkachuk, DC